
Author:William Parkinson
Pages:134 pages

An Exposition of Deuteronomy 33: The Blessings of Moses on the Children of Israel. As presented in a series of sermons by William Parkinson. Facsimile reprint first published in 1831 and 1839. The author of this unique Exposition of Deuteronomy 33 was pastor of the First Baptist Church, New York, for over thirty-five years and it was there that the essence of these sermons was first presented, beginning in 1828. In these two volumes (originally published separately, but now combined into one volume), Parkinson not only expounds the text itself, which has to do with the blessings pronounced by Moses upon each of the tribes of Israel, but brings to bear other related subjects in the Word of God which will aid in illuminating one’s overall understanding of biblical things. Interesting topics, ranging from the salvation of those dying in infancy to a discussion of what constituted the Urim and Thummim, are capably dealt with along the way. The exposition is presented as it should be, both literal and typical. Moses is herein portrayed as a type of Christ, who bestows blessings and appropriate admonitions upon His people for their good and His glory. Parkinson’s expressed desire was that these sermons “in the hand of the Holy Spirit,” might “be instrumental, in comforting believers, in awakening sinners, and in directing inquiring souls to Christ.” Includes topical index. Newport Commentary Series.


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