The Revival Pulpit: A Biblical Theology of Revival
- Description
Author: | Robert Lescelius |
Binding: | PAPERBACK |
Pages: | 286 pages |
The Revival Pulpit: A Biblical Theology of Revival. Dr. Lescelius, director of Maranatha Youth Ranch at Worthington, Pennsylvania, is one of the leading historians of revival in our present generation. “My desire has been to write a theology of revival, but it does not look like that is going to be possible as the years add up. This book is the closest I will be able to get to it. I’ve arranged the messages to present the material as closely as I could to being a biblical, theological, historical and practical theology of revival … The book is not published as an academic treatise but as an overview of the much-needed truths of revival … Hopefully it will be a blessing and a help to increase the knowledge of and burden for true Holy Spirit revival in our churches in these days.”